Presenting the Genealogies of

  with related pictures and information

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Various Collateral Lines Images

Line of Jan Paulus Bymers and Klaasje Pieters Graafstra

  Hessel Bymers Family.jpg (193844 bytes) 
The Hessel Bymers Family: Back row - Clara, Hattie, Jessamine & Cornelius. Front row: Klaske, Webster, John, Hessel & Peter. (About 1905)

Mother and Grandmother Bymers (f).jpg (65484 bytes)     Marjorie and Mother (f).jpg (38459 bytes)

 Klaske (Terpstra) Bymers, great grandmother of Gina Cambre, and         /////           Klaske (Terpstra) Bymers and daughter Marjorie (Bymers) Wright
Klaske's mother Jetske (Van der Ploeg) Terpstra. (About 1895)

Hattie, Clara, Jessie xparent.gif (85567 bytes)  Paul, Hessel, Garret, Weiger Bymers ca1928.jpg (94041 bytes)
Hattie, Clara and Jessie Bymers  (About 1905-1910)                   ///        Sons of Jan Paulus Beimers & Klaasje Pieters Graafstra (Hattie Bymers' uncles)

Marjorie Wright.jpg (25347 bytes)     Frank Wright.jpg (21343 bytes)
Marjorie (Bymers) Wright and husband Frank

Marjorie Bymers and Lynn 06-30-03.jpg (102702 bytes)
Marjorie (Bymers) Wright (holding her genealogy records) and Lynn Gallup - June 2003

St.AnnaParochie.jpg (58451 bytes)  St.AnnaParochie2.jpg (50067 bytes)
Views of St. Annaparochie, Netherlands,  birthplace of Paulus Gerrits Beimers and Jantje Pieters Reitsma,
great grandparents of Hattie (Miles) Beimers

Line of Joseph Curran Jr. and Susan Arter


Wesley Poe & Elisabeth Trewin Curran.jpg (58175 bytes)
Wesley Poe Curran, Sr. and wife Elizabeth Trewin. [This picture of Wesley, Sr. is later in life than his picture above with the mules. Even so, one might expect a closer resemblance between the two.]

Curran Daughters(f).jpg (56375 bytes)                      Nellie Curran Valentine & Earl Valentine.jpg (25668 bytes)
Daughters of Wesley Poe Curran, Sr. and Elizabeth Ann Trewin (Uncle and Aunt of Carrie Curran)                         ////   Nellie Curran Valentine and Husband Earl
Back row: Daisy O'Brien, Narra Matha Krogman, Nettie McCardell
Middle row: Mary Plato, Susan Grussinger, Lillian Neid
Front row: Nellie Valentine and Alice Valentine (married brothers)

Bonnie, Shirley, Irene, Marge Burke.jpg (63677 bytes)
The Burke children - Bonnie, Shirley, Marge and Irene; great grandchildren of Wesley Poe Curran, Sr.

Joseph Curran Jr(fixed).jpg (165832 bytes)
Joseph Jefferson Curran, son of  Joseph Curran, Jr.(Further research determined this is not Joseph Sr. as once thought.)

The Peine / Miller Line

Peter & Anna Peine.jpg (62950 bytes)

Nick & Marion.jpg (288052 bytes)              Carol and Nick.jpg (49119 bytes)   
Nicholas Aloysius Peine & Marion Frances (Miller)              /////                                  Nick Peine & daughter Carol Jeanne, 2nd wife of Lynn Gallup         


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