Presenting the Genealogies of

  with related pictures and information

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Gallup Line Images - Page 2
Elam & Georgia

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Elam D. Gallup // Georgia A. Dyer

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Elam D. Gallup    ///   (By now his lovely Georgia is but a fading memory to him.)

Amos Gallup House.jpg (248971 bytes)
The Amos Gallup Farm House, Jefferson, NY. (Jared Wong on the steps, 3rd great grandson of Amos.) This is no doubt the home in which Elam grew up.  It is now under restoration to be the summer home of a gentleman from Long Island, NY.

House Finders.jpg (97752 bytes)       Amos' House Map.gif (9341 bytes)
The house finders, Jared, Carol & Jack.           ///           And where they found it. (1862 township map)             


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