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Gallup Places


Gallups Island from Hull.jpg (151764 bytes)

Arrow points to Gallup's Island (there is another larger island between it and camera). View is from the old fort tower in Hull, MA. Downtown Boston extreme left.
The Appendix biographical note on John Gollop describes the island.

Harbor at Hull.jpg (92632 bytes)
The harbor of Hull, MA.- In violation of his contract, Captain Chubb, Master of the ship Mary and John,  refused to enter Boston harbor with John Gollop
and a hundred-odd other passengers. He pleaded a lack of knowledge of the channel and insisted they debark at Hull, no doubt the very spot we are looking
at here. It is a long drive today from here to Boston - One can hardly imagine what it must have been like on foot in 1630!

Gallupville+Lynn.jpg (53171 bytes)Gallupville+Carol.jpg (32649 bytes)
Yep, there really is such a place, founded by some Gallup kin from Stonington, CT, (That's Lynn Gallup in his "travlin' clothes" after four days in the car. ///   Carol seems to have survived it in much better condition.)

Netherbury Church.jpg (94623 bytes)      John Lathrop Monument.jpg (107572 bytes)
Gallup Ancestral Church, Netherbury, Dorset, England                 ///  Rev. Lothrop and his wives Hannah Howse and Anne Hammond were twice
7th great grandparents of Winfield Gallup, once through a child by each wife. (He was never associated with Netherbury Church.)  See Appendix for more on him.



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