Presenting the Genealogies of

  with related pictures and information

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Miles Images -  Page 2
L.D. & Carrie

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Leroy D. Miles, Sr. "LD"                                ///              Eliza Caroline Curran "Carrie"              ///                         Carrie

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LD Miles                                   ///                                      Carrie & LD                           ///                            Carrie              

LD & The Kids (1).jpg (220386 bytes)

"LD", Carrie and their grand kids, June or July, 1933 (All then living except Lynn Gallup, a new born.).
Back row:  Jessamine Vaughn (Nicholson) Miles; Lynn Edward Miles, Jr. "Bud"; "LD"; Carrie, holding Leroy David Miles III "David"; Warren Allen Smith";
                  James Adelbert Miles "Jim"
Front row:  Carol Beatrice (Cramer) Bickel; Constance Jeanne (Head) Blek, holding Douglas Lauren Miles "Doug"; Carolyn Elizabeth (Cambre) Miles;
                  Arthur Allen Haskell, Jr. "Allen"; John Bymers Miles "Jack"; Virginia Lee (Hansen) Blek, "Jackie"

Carrie 1.jpg (44005 bytes)   Carrie & Libbie (color) b.jpg (37030 bytes)    Miles_02.jpg (392703 bytes)    Carrie & Baby Ruth.jpg (72288 bytes)
Carrie Curran Miles /// Naomi & Carrie Curran /// Carrie, Harriet Bymers and Lynn Edward Miles /// Carrie holding Ruth

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Carrie & Carol (Cramer) Bickel  ///                                       Carrie & Warren Allen Smith                                                    ///           Carrie Curran               


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