Presenting the Genealogies of

  with related pictures and information

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Miles Images - Page 3
Children of L.D. & Carrie

Miles_01.jpg (35216 bytes)   Mable, Carol, Florence.jpg (81614 bytes)
Carrie and daughters: Mabel, Florence, Hazel, Ruth & Lena  ///  Mabel (Miles) Bickel, Carol (Bickel) Cramer, Florence (Miles) Gallup

Lynn Miles (army).jpg (142332 bytes)  Harriet Bymers (fixed).jpg (45654 bytes)  Hazel Miles.jpg (18127 bytes)  John Blek.jpg (36974 bytes)
Lynn Miles, Sr.  ///  Harriet Bymers, wife of Lynn, Sr.  ///  Hazel (Miles) Blek   ///  Johnny Blek (husband of Hazel)

Lee & VaLois (50th in 1979) Fixed.jpg (100865 bytes)    Lena Miles (ca. marriage).jpg (50598 bytes)   Art Haskell.jpg (38728 bytes)
VaLois (Grandpre) and LeRoy D. Miles, Jr. "Lee", 1979 (50th anniversary) /// Lena Miles (shortly before marriage to Art Haskell)  /// Arthur Allen Haskell, Sr.

Ruth,Lena,Hazel,Lynn,Mabel.jpg (119964 bytes)  Mabel with Plate.jpg (22292 bytes)  Lena Miles Portrate.jpg (57116 bytes)  Ruth Miles.jpg (73200 bytes)
A good looking bunch of Miles kids     ///  Mabel (Bickel) Miles              ///  Lena (Haskell) Miles                               ///   Ruth (Smith) Miles

Lincoln and Vi.jpg (63225 bytes)
Lincoln Curran Miles and second wife Viena "Vi" (Passi)                        

Harry Smith.jpg (64355 bytes) Ruth and Harry.jpg (12958 bytes)
Harry Smith, Ruth's husband         /////           Harry Smith & Ruth Miles


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