Presenting the Genealogies of

  with related pictures and information

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Miles Images - Page 4
Grandchildren of L.D. & Carrie
(Pictures of their living grandchildren will appear here as approval is received.)

Lynn Edward Miles, Jr. Bud.jpg (18423 bytes)  Warren Allen-reading.jpg (37839 bytes)  LGallup kneeling in snow (12-78).jpg (35723 bytes)   
Lynn Edward Miles, Jr. "Bud" (1922-2000)  ///  Warren Allen Smith   ///  Lynn Winfield Gallup - Dec 1978

Carolyn & Gina 02.jpg (18937 bytes)           Allen & Eldie (2).jpg (56016 bytes)            Warren Allen & Fernando Vargas (fixed).jpg (16802 bytes)
Carolyn (Miles) Cambre & Daughter Gina (about 1972)   /////    Allen A. Haskell & Eldwin (Bahde)    ////   Warren Allen Smith & companion Fernando Vargas

Lincoln,Vi,Dwight,Pat,Robert.jpg (69033 bytes)
Lincoln Miles & wife Viena (Bolka), son Dwight & wife Patricia (Wick), grandson Robert

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