Presenting the Genealogies of

  with related pictures and information

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Snapshots - Page 1
Mileses and Gallups

VaLois Lee Carol May 77 (fixed).jpg (106568 bytes)   Florence Gallup in kitchen.jpg (53782 bytes)
VaLois (Grandpre) Miles; LeRoy D. Miles, Jr. "Lee"; Carol (Bickel) Cramer - May 1977  ///  Florence (Miles) Gallup

Ruth Miles-standing-1950.jpg (69483 bytes)  Lena Miles (Gun Lake MI 1924).jpg (307019 bytes)  Kampeska Group 1A.jpg (118574 bytes)
Ruth Miles- 1950  ///  Lena Miles at Gun Lake, MI - 1924 /// Lake Kampeska, Watertown, SD, about 1937.

Doorstep Group.jpg (229015 bytes)
MYSTERY PICTURE - Someone penciled numbers on this print to identify five of the people, all LD Mileses daughters:
1 - Ruth "Lambert" (not yet re-married to Harry), 2 - Hazel, 3- Lena, 4 - Mabel, 5 - Florence.
This appears to be an important gathering. Does anyone recognize someone else in the picture?

Gin & Carolyn_2002 (F).jpg (75487 bytes)    491LC_Lynn & Carol 1.JPG (149869 bytes)
Carolyn (Miles) Cambre & daughter Gina (Cambre) Boswick   ///      Lynn and Carol Gallup & their airplane.
                                                                                                        (Note the tail number, the month & year that Lynn & Carol met.)

Lynn and Hattie Having Fun (f).jpg (34140 bytes)     Hattie Holding Baby.jpg (33756 bytes)      FBG vig.jpg (71106 bytes)
Lynn Miles & (unknown)        ///    Hattie Bymers holding Jessamine.   ///            Florence (Miles) Gallup

   Flo+Eldie 1965.jpg (55735 bytes)      Becky & Martha.jpg (85300 bytes) 
                           Florence (Miles) Gallup & Eldwin (Bahde) Haskell - 1965                   ///   Rebecca Gallup & Martha Solis (exchange student) - 1978

Allen & Eldy-May 2003.jpg (28080 bytes)
Eldwin "Eldy" (Bahde) and Allen Haskell - May 2003

Scott Gallup Family 12-2003.jpg (40174 bytes)
The Scott Gallup family, Dec 2003 - Alex, Scott, Michal (Marcel missing)      

 Lynn & Jean Wedding.jpg (52259 bytes)
Wedding photo, 1951 - Lynn Gallup & Frances "Jean" Tackett, Rev. Squires (center) officiated. 

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