Presenting the Genealogies of

  with related pictures and information

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Below you will find a few links to other web sites of possible interest.


Ron Falconberry's Site:
     The ancestry of Cecil Falconbury may be found here. Cecil was the husband of
     Florence Bunn (Gallup) Falconbury, daughter of Ward Amos Gallup. Ward was
     the brother of Winfield Dyer Gallup.

Alison Gallup's Site:
     Here you will find some in-depth history on our early Gallup ancestors. The site is
     particularly interesting because Alison is the granddaughter of George Horace Gallup,
     the originator of the famous Gallup Poll.

Carmen M. Johnson's Site:
     This is an extensive web site covering many Gallup ancestral lines together with
      interesting historical pictures contributed by a variety of researchers.

Ancestry of Princess Diana:
This web site will take you back to Princess Diana's ancient great grandfather, Robert
      Parke, who also became an ancestor of Florence Bertha (Miles) Gallup.

Caleb Johnson's Mayflower Passengers:
      The is arguably the most complete site on this subject to be found on the web.

Pilgrim John Howland Society:
      This well designed and interesting site will introduce you to an organization of people
      who have as their primary mission the preservation of the Howland House, the only
      existing house in Plymouth where Pilgrims actually lived.   The society, established in
      1897, have owned the Howland House since 1912, and owns residential land in
      Rocky Nook where the Pilgrim John Howland family also resided. The site also
      features links to many other fine genealogical and historical sites.

Richard P. Arter's CD ROM:
     Susan Arter was the wife of Joseph Curran, Jr., and thus the ancestor of hundreds of
     us and our cousins.  The Arter family has for many years maintained a very complete
     genealogy in written format which is now available from Dick Arter on a CD-ROM.
     If you are interested in having one for a very modest sum, send him a message at:
     [email protected] [This email address has been disguised to foil the spammers. For
     the x's insert "rparter", without the quote marks.]

Digital Editions 1893 Gallup Genealogy:
     This company is offering the entire old Gallup Genealogy on a CD-ROM.

Genealogy--Part of the History (Social Studies Web Site for K-12 Teachers)
     Part of a much larger site devoted to teaching Social Studies with the aid of the internet,
     this page has dozens of genealogy internet links.


The owner of this site supports the free exchange of genealogical information. Please contact me for permission to use material from here. Thank you!