Asked Questions
(To The Many Descendants - Messages About This Work)
---- How did you get
interested in this?
---- Why did you start
this project?
---- How did you decide
where to start with this?
---- How extensive is it?
---- Does this genealogy
contain errors?
---- Where in the world
did you collect all this stuff?
What happened to some of the
descendant's information you collected?
Do you
intend to continue with this work?
How does
anyone use these web pages?
Are there
any individuals in here I should be sure to read about?
Did you
get much help from others?
Who is maintaining this website?
How did you get interested in this? --
It must have around 1975 when I found
myself with a free weekend in San Diego, California on a business trip. I had a cousin
my father's side living there whom I had never met so I decided to visit Florence
Falconbury, the only child of Ward Gallup, my father's brother. With gracious
she and her husband Cecil received this total stranger to their well kept bungalow on
Coronado Island. They were very nice people and we had much to talk about. Florence
quite curious about her uncle Winfield's side of the family but at some point the
turned to the question of who our ancestors were. My father had never told me a thing
about his ancestry except that his father's name was Elam and he had heard that we
Welsh, way, way back, or so he thought. Florence knew a whole lot more, it turned
"Lynn", she said a little incredulously,
you know the Gallup's are an old New England family which originated in Dorsetshire,
England?". Always ready to pass the blame, I replied that my Dad had never
it, to which she responded with a certain disgust in her voice, "Well, our family
first came to this land only a little while after the Pilgrims.". At my
look, she proudly said that it was all documented in a book which was handed down to
from our cousin Myra Schaffer (a new name to me) who was daughter of our grand aunt
(Gallup) Schaffer, daughter of Amos Gallup (two more people I had never heard of), and
was Jemima's book. Going to her bookcase she took down a book and handed it to me,
Genealogical History of the Gallup Family in the United States by John D.
pub. Hartford Conn., 1893. I was amazed. The very idea of my grandfather's name and
ancestors all printed up so fine and fancy-like in a hard bound book was something
hard to
reconcile with my father's near stony silence on the subject. (I can guess the reason,
- His mother, Georgia, died before Winfield was old enough to care about such things
Elam, his father, was not exactly a parent who inspired an interest in the subject.)
Jemima's book was well thumbed, even had old newspaper clippings glued to the
fly-leaves -
And it contained many feathers which Jemima had plucked from her parrot every time she
needed a place marker.
For the rest of my visit I could not take my eyes off that
and I left Florence and Cecil with my first spark of interest in genealogy. Many years
later, after Cecil had passed away and Florence had become old and frail, a package
for me in the mail; it was The Book. By then the Gallup Genealogy had seen a couple of
editions and I had them both on my bookshelf, but that book, the original 1893 one,
foundation document, was a real treasure. Information from it forms the core of the
line presented here - It is a more reliable source document than any of its update
editions which introduced typographical errors (the 1986 edition being particularly
offensive in this regard).
I think that I would never have become so involved with this
compilation had it not been for the example set by our cousin Carol Cramer with her
"L.D. Miles". To begin with, it was apparent that Carol had done something
significant for our posterity and that alone inspired me. Then there was our last
Family Reunion where I used her book and the Gallup Genealogy to make some charts for
to look at. Up to then I had been gathering genealogical information from here and
but the reunion got me involved with using genealogical data base management software,
which increased my interest. The thing that really gave me a taste of the fun of
genealogical research was when I noticed in Carol's book the name of a Theodia Parke
and I
vaguely remembered seeing that same name in the Gallup Genealogy. Wouldn't it be a
kick, I
thought, if we Gallup's were actually the product of an intermarriage between the two
lines. Well, almost. The Theodia on the Gallup side married Benjamin Gallop, a very
distant cousin of mine, and the Theodia on the Miles side is my 7th great grandmother.
two Theodia's are first cousins, once removed, so we Gallup's are "kissin'
cousins" to the Mileses through these ladies. It wasn't an ancestral connection
it was nevertheless exciting to make any connection at all, and that got me hooked.
Why did you start this project? --
Curiosity. These are the people we come
our blood line. To a great extent it is these ancestors who have given us our health,
longevity, intelligence, strength of character, and our patience (or the lack of it). In
short, Dear Descendant, the you-that-is-you is because of them. Had just one of the
ancestors you find herein not existed, you would not exist either! Fortunately, all of
them survived infancy, as so many did not, and none of them drowned at sea as a youth,
so many did, and none of them died of smallpox or cholera before their family was
as so many of them died. And so, you and I are here. We come from "hardy
an ancestry of diligent people, highly conservative and morally strong. It can be seen
that they all had a strong sense of purpose and a determination to accomplish it.
Pilgrims, they were, in truth and in metaphor; a reason for us to be proud.
How did you decide where to start
with this? --
The 1893 Gallup Genealogy and the update editions
made available from the Gallup Family Association are called "single-name"
genealogies. While a single-name genealogy commonly strives to provide the name of a
spouse, and sometimes provides the name of the spouse's parents, that is about as far
from the family name as they go. So, while the latest edition of the Gallup Genealogy is
wonderfully complete for the Gallup surname, it tells us almost nothing about the
ancestors of our great grandmothers, yet the genes we carry which make us who we are
just as much from the distaff sides as from all those Gallup males. I decided that
out the ancestry of those ladies who were in my particular Gallup line would be my
contribution to learning where our tiny branch of the extended Gallup family came from.
has been a rewarding activity for I have found much more of interest about our ancestry
than can be found only in the Gallup surname. Clearly, those old Gallup men knew a
woman when they met her, and the Miles side as well. We're pretty lucky.
Beginning with my mother, the ladies our Gallup ancestors
were: Florence Miles, Georgia Dyer, Eliza Dingman, Jemima Gallup, Abigail Packer, Hannah
Gore, Margaret Gallup, Elizabeth Harris, Hannah Lake and Christobel Brushett. There are
some earlier Gallop women recorded in British documents but I soon learned I had to stop
somewhere and Christobel was a natural choice; she and her husband John Gallop were the
immigrants to America who started the Gallup line on this side of the Atlantic. (Even
I found it too difficult to get her ancestry beyond a tenuous connection to her
On account of the intermarriages of Jemima Gallup and Margaret Gallup, three additional
great grandmothers slipped into our Gallup line, Anna Hinckley , Jemima Enos and Esther
How extensive is it? --
This work documents about 750 ancestors and 400
ancestral marriages of the Gallup-Miles line, all of them proceeding back in time from
just those thirteen families mentioned above. Adding the aunts, uncles, a few notable
cousins, a few close collateral lines and the living descendants bring this
to documenting over 6,300 individuals and more than 2,700 marriages.
When I began the task of researching the Gallup line, I
all of our cousins as well but I soon found that to continue with cousins was heading
toward an impossible goal. Among genealogists it is said that if you can trace your
ancestry to Charlemagne then you are a cousin to everyone in the world; an exaggeration
perhaps but close enough to make the point - Cousins accumulate like ants. More than one
line in this genealogy can be traced back to the 1200's and three of them go back to old
Charlemagne himself. (Check out John Booth, Anne Blount & Bridget Raleigh.)
I soon gave up on the cousins idea. I mostly cut off my
search after I had found our aunts and uncles. (Albeit with an exception here and there.
It just wouldn't have been right to skip our cousin, old Ben Franklin, or the Gore
who survived and died in the Wyoming Massacre.)
Though there are researchers who have taken many of our lines
back to the 1400's, some back practically to the Dark Ages, beginning around the mid
1500's data from nearly all sources gets increasingly questionable and conflicting. I
could say that all early sources are that way if it were not for one class of sources of
early ancestors which are quite reliable, those that document royal lines from
professionally researched historical documents. Other early royal lines, like those
by amateurs through royal offspring who married outside a royal line, are often
only by "soft" sources. Sometimes there is just a dominating desire to find a
famous ancestor with the result that a key connection or two are totally fanciful. For
these reasons I generally did not trace lines as they extended into the 1400's. (Unless
was dominated by the desire to have a famous ancestor. (:-)
Does this genealogy contain errors? --
Yes, guaranteed! And so, pretty often, do the
genealogies prepared by professionals. There is probably no more overworked phrase in
genealogical research than "This is a work in progress.". Translated, it means
"This work has errors and I will never manage to fix them all!".
The work of professional genealogists is set apart from
like me, on the basis of one thing, their sources. "Families without sources are
fantasy", they say, so the professionals do not make any ancestral claim until they
can make a case for it which will stand the scrutiny of their colleagues. The evidence
they seek is what are called "primary sources", like birth and death
certificates, marriage licenses, church records, wills, land records, tax records,
personal journals, even family Bibles (if they are old enough), i.e., the more or less
"official" sources. Sources from other kinds of documentation such as old
letters, history books, genealogies prepared by non-professionals, family lore, etc.,
census data, are classed as "secondary sources". Some professionals define
information as "hearsay" if it does not come from a primary source, but that
a little extreme, I think. Nevertheless it points up the importance given to searching
primary sources in serious genealogical research. While the quality range of primary
sources is high, all of them being very good to excellent, secondary sources range from
quite good, like the Gallup Genealogy, down to pure fantasy, like someone's privately
published family history claiming an ancestor Foulgaris The Flatulent, King of Thur,
350 AD.
Do the professionals use secondary sources? Absolutely! They
would all be out of work if they did not. Only comparatively few genealogies, no matter
who researched them, can extend back beyond the 1600's without reliance on secondary
sources. The difference between the professional and the amateur with regard to the use
secondary sources comes down to the diligence of the search that has been made for a
primary source before accepting a secondary source, and not accepting a secondary source
without corroboration - The more corroboration the better.
Where in the world did you collect all this
stuff? --
This compilation comes mostly from high
quality secondary sources, with primary sources being used whenever they could be found
without exhaustive searching, but there are questionable sources, too, particularly
lines extend into the 16th century. It would have been wonderful to have used only
sources, or secondary sources of the highest quality, but I can hardly imagine how long
would have taken even a professional genealogist to exhaustively search for them in
support of every contention in this work, probably decades. I just don't have that much
time left to spend, or the inclination. The sources I have sought are the best I could
find with reasonable effort. I have relied heavily on the work of others but I have
the same information from multiple sources so that I could choose from those
which appeared to have been the most carefully or professionally developed. If I came to
person for whom the best information I could find was still grossly in error or
ridiculous, like being married after they were buried, or baptized before they were
or born from their mother's grave, I treated it as unknown. Don't conclude from this
there is anything "professional" from my technique - The true professional
genealogist would be revolted at the idea of using the work of a non-professional, even
though had he or she done the work it might have turned out about the same. We're
speaking of two things here, Credentials & Method.
Virtually the entire Miles side of this genealogy is taken from
the book "L.D. Miles" by my first cousin (and dear friend) Carol
I have included the corrections and additions Carol gave us at the last reunion and I
found a few typos and fixed those but there is only one ancestral line of hers that I
able to extend before my attention returned to working on the Gallup side.
Carol has spent years and years researching the Miles line for
primary source documents. Her work is of a much higher quality than mine on the Gallup
side, and her's was a more difficult task to begin with. I have been fortunate that the
Gallup ancestors all came to New England very early and then tended to stay there. Only
when the American frontier was the Hudson River valley did they venture farther into the
unknown - about as far as the western edge of New York state and south a bit into
Pennsylvania. The Miles ancestors were more adventuresome, and got themselves more
out - And harder to find.
My work has depended primarily upon heavy use of the internet
where more and more genealogical research data is appearing daily but I have also used
results from many phone calls and letters to City Clerks and Town Historians. In two
instances I actually hired professional genealogists where I had run into particularly
blank walls.
The largest genealogical data base in the world, by a wide
margin, is that maintained by the Latter Day Saints Church, the Mormons. Generally
speaking I have not exclusively used information from LDS except as a starting point or
a last resort, the reason being that the Church has never required its genealogical
contributors to reveal their sources, yet it offers profound spiritual encouragement for
its people to do genealogical research. The result has been that a large amount of
questionable material is in the LDS files. However, to be completely fair, many LDS
researchers are conscientious professionals and their genealogical contentions are just
valid as any to be found. At worst, the LDS material is better than nothing because
somebody, someplace, got the information from somewhere so, after I have fruitlessly
explored other paths, I have used it.
What happened to some of the descendant's
information you collected? --
I intend some day to publish this work in
book format or on CD-ROM for limited distribution. When I do it will have a second part
with information about the descendants of Leroy D. Miles, Sr., Elam D. Gallup, and a
couple of other lines as well. For these public web pages I have removed all birth dates
and biographical notes for descendants who are possibly still living. The standard
in these times for safe-guarding the privacy of individuals is being set higher each
by our litigious society and we might someday hear of a telephone company defending
in a lawsuit for publishing their phone book. Accordingly, any descendant who wishes to
have their name removed from this genealogy should get in touch with me and I will
- No argument.
Do you intend to continue with this work?
-- (top)
Cousin Carol once remarked to me that it
appeared I was going to be the one "to continue with the Miles genealogy".
in a word; "No". Carol's work has been much more that of a professional
genealogist than mine. She has spent countless hours looking through source documents
evidence. I do not have the patience to continue her work to the standards she has set
it. I believe I will leave that up to one of you descendants. As for the Gallup side,
have taken it about as far as I can. If I learn something new or discover an
anecdote I'll put it on these web pages. Of course, I will be always eager to correct
errors - So let me know when you find one.
How does anyone use these web pages? --
These pages contain the entire database of
individuals. It is presented in two forms, Family Groups and
A Family Group contains all the information I have about any one set of parents and
children; the Pedigrees are in chart form beginning with the selected individual and
proceeding back through the ancestry of him or her. The Pedigree chart gives only
information about each individual. The first page of either form of the genealogy will
give you a path to an index of surnames from which you may select the person of your
interest. In the Family Group pages, you will be taken to a sources page if you click on
one of the superscripts (if any) following a name.
You will sometimes find within the genealogy that a christening
date and place is given for a person, usually when the actual birth date is unknown. The
term "christening" as used in this work means baptism or any other form of
recorded religious dedication ceremony. It does not refer to the particular method used,
e.g., anointing or immersing.
Quite often you will see dual years which are successive, e.g.,
1748/1749. This is standard practice for dates in the months January and February to
24th for years prior to 1752. Until that year the Colonies and England continued using
old Julian calendar, on which the first day of the year is our March 25th.
(Even though the present day Gregorian calendar was established in 1582.) Dual dates
having a span greater than one year, like 1595/1610, means only that the year is
but is believed to be between those boundaries.
Are there any individuals here I should be
sure to read about? --
As it turned
out, none of our people were breathtakingly important notables in American history. With
apologies for my lack of effort to those of you who did not descend from the Gallup
I have found a few Gallup ancestors who did manage to make it into the history books.
might read the Notes on the following couples: Bridget Raleigh & John Cope, Peter
Folger & Mary Morrill, John Howland & Elizabeth Tilley, Mary Barrett &
Dyer, Anne Marbury & William Hutchinson, William Marbury & Agnes Lenton, Obadiah
Gore, Jr. & Anna Avery, Obadiah Gore, Sr. & Hannah Parke, Christopher Gore &
Rebecca Payne, Thomas Coleman & Susannah, Mary Coffin & Nathaniel Starbuck,
Tristram Coffin & Dionis Stevens, Thomas Gardner & Margaret Fryer, Richard
& Sarah Shattuck.
Did you get much help from others? --
My wife Carol and my son Jack have certainly
given me the most help toward completing this task. For years they have had to observe
only the back of my neck as I worked at the computer, and often dealing with my
divided attention whenever a matter came up that needed me. I thank them very much
for giving me the unfettered freedom to get this done.
This is a work that simply could not have been possible without
the help of many others. Besides the singularly immense contribution of our cousin Carol
Cramer for the Miles side, I would like to give credit and my thanks to the following
people who were a great help to me; there have been many others who contributed as well:
Alice Gedge
Angela Day
Ara Inez Ray
Brenda Hawkins
Carmen M. Johnson
Carolyn E. Smith
Charles W. King
Dawn Willis
Floyd Smith
Frank Dyer
Jeffrey Capizzi
Jonnie Jarrett
Joyce Gore Locke
Judy Martin
Leah Blumberg
Leah Grant
Lambert Martin
Larry Chesbro'
Larry L. Kimmel
Marge Rice
Nancy Hauser
Nancy Ann Norman
Paul Nance
Richard Martin
Robert Gore
Susanne (Sam) Lucretia Behling
And my special thanks to the following who opened the door to whole family lines when
was really stumped:
Violet Sunderland - The Gore line.
Josephine Fuller - The Patchin line.
Muriel E. Gartner - The Dingman line.
Jocelyn A. Hubbard - The Packer Line.
Eugene Bouton - The Dyer Line.
(Eugene is long, long dead now but the fruit of his life-long passion
for collecting family data in his home town of Jefferson, NY, is gratefully ours.)
Have you ever wondered where you came from? If so, I
hope I have done something here to answer the question for you - There is little
point to the effort than that, I guess. (top)
Lynn Gallup
February 2003
Edina, Minnesota
Who is maintaining this website? --
Lynn Gallup passed away Tuesday August 11, 2020. Please read his obituary below.
Lynn Gallup's grandson, Jared Wong, is
now hosting and maintaining this
website. Please see the
contact page
if you'd like to get in touch. It
would have been a shame if this resource
and one of Lynn's life's works were lost
to future generations, so I wanted to
ensure it was hosted in some capacity.
The copy of this website and database is
from a CD dated March 2006.Obituary