In this section is where the compiler of this genealogy gets to tell his story.
Once you have read this section,
you will not be greatly inclined toward returning to it.
(The music is nice though.)

This is where the actual
genealogy starts. The explanation of how it works is given in the Introduction.
begins the picture book of the web site. Here you can see how some of the people in the
appeared. Even a live cousin will show up once in a while. This
section changes occasionally as more
pictures are added. (All descendants who have pictures they
would like to share with the rest of us are
encouraged to provide them. Originals will be scanned and
promptly returned.)

Here is where you will find
items of historical interest concerning people or events which would not fit well
within the body of the genealogy, or would be lost

This section will change from time to
time but will generally relate to on-going research on the Gallup-Miles
genealogy or the construction of this web site. This
is also where I will try out some different music now and
then to see if you like it.

On this page can be found a few links to
other sites containing related genealogical information.

This page describes how to contact me. I apologize for
making it complicated in order to defeat the
scoundrels who build-up spamming mailing

This page is a record of the updates
to this web site.
From the book
The Ancestors and Descendants of
Winfield Dyer Gallup and Florence Bertha Miles
book is dedicated to the young people whose ancestors are to be found on these pages. I
have written it with the thought frequently on my mind that these newest descendants must
not be allowed to forget the ancient people who have given them this great treasure, this
America, their very lives.
of us who lived after the nineteenth century do not have a clear
appreciation for the strength of character, determination and
of our ancestors, those pioneers who faced and
the most awful hardships to gain a foothold
the rugged New England coast and then faced
as they struggled westward.
Summers stifling heat these early people endured the worst of natures
forces to prepare for Winters bleak cold and threats of famine. Bitter
invaded their early homes quickly chilling what little
was gained from blazing logs exhausting
heat up primative fireplaces.
Massacres. Starvations - Their efforts to simply survive were intense.
And many perished.
patient endurance and bravery of the pioneer wives is without parallel in modern Western
societies. Most of them, with their vital contributions
amid staggering hardships, were anonymous, and many died
too young an age to enjoy a tranquil life in the
they had struggled to make.
But from it all emerged our Old
New England Families, the Builders of this Nation.
Their efforts are fast becoming forgotten, or simply considered
by the hordes of foreign immigrants, too many of whom
to America not for the founding ideals of this country
for ignoble motives of money and obscurity which
those early ideals allow them now to enjoy.
such is too often true for the rest of us.
Our children and their children in
turn must always be guided in their
choices by a tug on the thread they will find in this book
them to their heritage, to their American pioneer
who lived and worked with a determination to
and build upon the example of English law,
to keep the vision of our nations founders to
us all unparalleled justice and freedom.
W. Gallup