Presenting the Genealogies of

  with related pictures and information


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Pages                                 Theme                       

(Note: Those who are both Gallup and Miles descendants appear in the Gallup images.)

G-1.   [click] ----- Amos Gallup & Eliza

G-2.   [click] ----- Elam D. Gallup & Georgia

G-3.   [click] ----- Winfield D. Gallup & Florence

G-4.   [click] ----- Elam & Georgia's Other Children

G-5.   [click] ----- Grandchildren of Elam

G-6.   [click] ----- Great Grandchildren of Elam

G-7.   [click] ----- 2nd Great Grandchildren of Elam

GP.    [click] ----- Gallup Places

M-1.  [click] ----- Early Miles & Curran People

M-2.  [click] ----- Leroy D. Miles & Caroline

M-3.  [click] ----- Children of L.D. & Carrie

M-4.  [click] ----- Grandchildren of L.D.

M-5.  [click] ----- Great Grandchildren of L.D.

MP.   [click] ----- Miles Places

C-1.   [click] ----- Various Collateral Lines

C-2.   [click] ----- Amos & Lemira Descendants

C-3.   [click] ----- Lines of Frances "Jean" Tackett

Mixed Generations & Snapshots

     S-1.    [click] ----- Mileses and Gallups

     S-2.    [click] ----- Collateral Lines


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